Hello guys! Welcome back to my blog. I’m sorry for not post anything here for some days. I’m so busy to do anything. Did you know that I just graduate from Senior High School and go to college this year?! I’m so excited being MahaStudent wkwk. I’m really curious how it’s feel being college’s student. I am literally having a difficult time and face many problems before finally being college student. Soon, I will tell you about my journey, hope you like and motivated. Wkwkwk. I am pretty sure a lot of you really like to watch YouTube. I think that Indonesian’s people more interest to watch YouTube than read a book. Wkwkwk (ME TOO!). YouTube provide visual, video, and of course text too. Very complete. You can watch many videos about anything in YouTube. Here I am, I will show you my #TOPFIVE YouTube Channel with FREAKIN’ DAMN GOOD CONTENT! (Forgive me for alay) I always watch the newest video from this channel whenever the owner uploads new videos. This channel will give you a lot o...
A perfect place for YOU to get any informations, tips and tricks, also story of life experiences.